WIND – PREG™ is the ultimate in carbon laminate construction technology, combining two of the best manufacturing techniques: filament winding and the use of prepregs.
- Conventional unidirectional aerospace prepregs are wound by means of an automated winding machine
- Biaxial aerospace prepregs are wound at 45° using a dedicated winding machine
- A final layer of WIND-PREG™ is cross wound to deliver unbeatable product strength
- Prior to curing, we apply a special heat-activated film that compresses the layers 40% more than other commercially available products
- The next step in the process takes place in a special autoclave, which eliminates waste and gives the end product a flawless surface finish
As a result of this advanced technology, Italica products do not require any additional finishes, such as fabrics, paints or coatings. In addition, the process includes exclusive nano-core winding with its unique pattern.
- Considerable reduction in weight across all products
- 40% increase in strength, resulting in exceptional longevity
- Substantial improvement in performance, combining the best of both technologies
- Distinctive design for all carbon products
In addition to WIND – PREG™, we also offer XPREG technology.
While WIND – PREG™ cross-winds fibres at 45°, XPREG features less fibres, making this a more economical solution. This technology is ideal for an extensive range of products, striking an optimal balance between weight and strength, akin to WIND – PREG™.